Hello everybody! Welcome to Fun Committee Headquarters. Check in often for the latest on APSA's Fun COmmittee activities.
Saturday, March 09, 2002
Final Score:
SAAC Attack: 11 kills
Center Stage: 10 kills
Details to follow soon. Right now, it's late and I'm tired. Good night =)
posted by redge
12:33 AM
Friday, March 08, 2002
*SAAC Attack: 8 kills
Center Stage: 10 kills
Barbara Choi of Center Stage fame was killed today in a sneak attack by Mark Dionela from team SAAC Attack.
In later news, secret agent UC Triton 02 (Aldrin Lumbreras) from Center Stage lost a fatal duel to his honorable opponent, Haruka Roudebush, in front of many eyewitnesses at Pepper Canyon Lodge. Haruka had this to comment afterwards:
Haroogsta: and it is official...
Haroogsta: aldrin is no more
Haroogsta: hehe there were witnesses to verify ; D
Haroogsta: it was a hard-fought duel
Haroogsta: testing our agility, dexterity, and cunning
Haroogsta: requiring us to call upon our last reserves of strength and stamina
Haroogsta: dude, you missed it
Haroogsta: lol
through a spiritual medium, we contacted Aldrin in the after life and asked him for comment:
"The adrenaline was amazing as almost 50 people outside the Pepper Canyon Lodge area were chanting GO GO GO. A last second attempt by Jeff Green to save me failed as his outstreched arm fell short, and watched me die on the cement from a well placed shot by Haruka. A few seconds later Cat came by to hear my last words:
(censored) it what the (censored) that (censored censored censored)
Teresa ran to her cell phone and immediately notified the coroner that I was now killed. Although she seemed extremely HAPPY about it." (*Teresa is a deceased member from Haruka's team who was killed by Aldrin earlier this week.)
Apparently, a mix up at FunCo HQ led to Haruka and Aldrin being assigned each other as target's. Even though FunCo HQ tried to rectify the situation this morning, communications systems were malfunctioning and FunCo was unable to re-assign either agent before they would learn that they were trying to kill each other. Haruka and Aldrin contacted each other and mutually agreed to the terms of a duel. The rest is history. Congrats to Haruka for his victory and kudos to Aldrin for a hard-fought battle.
posted by redge
6:23 PM
Assassins, read today's post thoroughly.
Safety Today is...
Wear ALL the safeties from this week! ie. the beanie, the toilet paper, the 'Kick Me' sign on your back, and the spoon on your nose! Wait that's not all! In addition to all this, to complete the Safety, you must also wear a sign on your chest that advertises tomorrow's APSA Talent Show! Here's the info. you should know:
APSA Talent Show
Tomorrow in the PC Ballroom
Doors open at 630p, show starts at 7p
Tix on sale at the box office
Pre-sale is only $5 ($8 at the door)
Dance to follow
or your sign can be as simple as 'Ask me about APSA Talent Show?'
Actually, we ruled that instead of a 'Kick Me' sign, you can substitute another APSA Talent Show ad on your back.
This way, everyone becomes walking ads for Talent Show! Plus, this makes the safety extra hard, meaning, only the strong survive today! Para no we! Para no we! hehe
Remember, if you fail to comply with all the details of the Safety, your safety is invalid and you can still be assassinated! However, for today, we will be lenient on the 'Kick Me' sign details and will allow your signs to be on 8 1/2" by 11" paper with letters that are at least 3" high and 1/4" thick! Sorry Janet. We're still trying to be conisistent. That's why we're clarifying this now.
Last but not least, to reward the hard work of my young protege David Reyes, I have allowed him to join team Center Stage, and as a result, I will join team SAAC Attack. Pay attention, cuz the two of us have special rules:
-Since we assigned everyone and we can't possibly assign someone to assassinate ourselves, WE CAN'T DIE!!! muahaha
-We can also kill at our discretion anyone on the opposing team who is not safeguarded by any of the aforementioned Safeties! muahahaha
-Lastly, we can only assassinate someone if we comply with all components of the Safety for the Day...aw man! =P
(Kills made by David or I while we do not have ALL the Safeties on are invalid!)
Team with the most members standing at the end of the game is the winner! And the game ends at midnight tonight! Happy Hunting! Peace
posted by redge
8:07 AM
Thursday, March 07, 2002
Who died today?...
Marissa Miyao [SAAC Attack] killed by Tricia Ty [Center Stage]
Ryan Kawamoto [SAAC Attack] killed by Adam Ko [Center Stage]
Jed Galan [SAAC Attack] killed by Josh Heitman [Center Stage]
Victor Huynh [Center Stage] killed by Stacy Toyota [SAAC Attack]
Delia Siu [SAAC Attack] killed by Tricia Ty [Center Stage]
*Center Stage: 10 kills
SAAC Attack: 6 kills
Wow, Center Stage making a comeback. See? I told you you guys needed Armando. See how the addition of Armando just turned things around? Am I a genius or what? OHhhhhhhHHhhh! =P
posted by redge
12:44 PM
Today was a slow "killing" day, so here is the sole assassination today:
Janet Lee (SAAC attack) was killed by Ian Almazan (Center Stage)
Wow! Ian is on a killing spree!!! Dont mess w/ him.....he's the co-chair!!! =)
Safety for Thursday, March 7, 2002:
Wear a spoon on your nose. The spoon must be of standard-sized like those found at restaurants or other eating places....none of those little small teaspoons or small Ice Cream sample tasting spoons. The spoons must be REAL spoons made of metal OR plastic, and must be attached to the pointy part of your nose. The circle part of the spoon should be facing downwards, thus cupping over your nose, while leaving the backside of the spoon clearly visible to other people. It should look like how people breathe on spoons and then place it on their nose and the spoon ends up sticking to their nose, with the handle of the spoon in front of their mouth. **HINT:** A clever strategy could be to put a piece of tape on the spoon and attach the spoon to your nose, so it wont fall off.
Okay, that's all for today!!! Hope thats not tooooo hard!! muahahahahahhahahaha!!!! Lets see whos hardcore about Assassins now!!!Who will be willing to do this out-of-this-world safety and promote team pride??? Who wants to win the most?? SAAC ATTACK or CENTER STAGE?? We'll soon find out tommorrow because its sure to be a spoon-tastic day!!! =P
posted by redge
12:01 AM
Wednesday, March 06, 2002
The following people have been reported 'assassinated:'
Jen Rivor (SAAC Attack) killed by Ian Almazan (Center Stage)
Susan Ung (SAAC Attack) killed by Victor Huynh (Center Stage)
Team Center Stage: 5killls
Team SAAC Attack: 5 kills
**As much as we appreciate your creativity in interpreting safeties (hehe), note that the Safety for the day does explicitly say that the sign on your back must read 'Kick Me.' It is in quotes, therefore, that is exactly what the sign is to read (i.e. the letters K-i-c-k M-e). No language variations will be accepted, since this has been brought to our attention.
In addition, since there can be some mean people on Library Walk who on occasion, will actually kick you, we will accept people obstructing the view of the sign with a backpack. However, the Safety's primary function is to ward off your Assassin and will need to be visible to your Assassin in order for it to be effective. That is all.
posted by redge
10:05 AM
Tuesday, March 05, 2002
Please welcome the latest additions to the FunCo madness, APSA VP External Armando Abanilla will join team Center Stage (since it looks like you guys could use it! oooohhhhh) and APSA Newsletter Editor and FunCo founder, Reggie Saldivar, shall join the ranks of team SAAC Attack. Beware! =)
Safety for Wednesday, March 6, 2002:
Wear a sign on your back that says 'Kick Me.' The sign must be at least standard paper (8 1/2" by 11") size and the writing must be in letters that are at least 3 inches high and 1 inch thick in black or some other dark ink. Basically, it's meant to be visible! You may laugh, but I know you guys too well and if I wasn't specific, you'd walk all over the rules. =P
Keep in mind that the safeties aren't meant to be easy to do. If you don't want to do it, that's your choice, but, we all know what can happen if you don't. =)
Team Center Stage: 3 kills
Team SAAC Attack: 5 kills
posted by redge
11:23 PM
The following people were reported 'assassinated:'
Kim Bondad (SAAC Attack) by John Gorospe (Center Stage)
David Tran (Center Stage) by Marissa Miyao (SAAC Attack)
Exxxxcccellent ;-)
posted by redge
2:47 PM
Safety for Tuesday, March 5, 2002:
Attach and dangle a piece of toilet paper (at least 3ft long) from the bottom of your shoe. You can attach it the usual way of walking around a sticky bathroom floor and then stepping on a 3ft long piece of toilet paper, or you can attach it using tape. We will also accept a 3ft long piece of toilet paper dangling from inside the pant leg. Assassins, it is against the rules to tamper with a target's safety, so please do no try to remove the toilet paper. Have fun. Peace.
posted by redge
7:34 AM
Monday, March 04, 2002
The following people have been reported 'assassinated:'
Jeff Baker (Center Stage) by Kristina Wolff [3.4.02]*
Paul Wang (SAAC Attack) by Aldrin Lumbreras [3.4.02]*
*Details below:
-From Kristina...
Kcthegreat01: "Tonight (3/4/02) at 8:30pm, Kristina stealthily crept into the OVT underworld and there spotted Jeff Baker...WITHOUT ANY PROTECTION (beanie)"
Kcthegreat01: "He was unaware of her presence or her purpose and did not even suspect the danger that he was in"
Kcthegreat01: "She cunningly crept over to his table..."
Kcthegreat01: "And oh so smoothly put him out of his misery"
Kcthegreat01: :-D
Kcthegreat01: how's that?
Kcthegreat01: "His only response was 'Awww, you suck!'"
-Codename UC Triton aka Aldrin
4:20pm: I went to look for Paul Wang as he left his Math 20B lecture from York Hall 2722. Knowing that anyone who leaves York to go to ERC always walks on the sidewalk along the Campus Loop drive, I set up camp at Checkpoint Alpha; across University Centers. However, I was too late, as I got to the checkpoint at 4:30, with everyone already have exited. I called my roomate back at the apartment to look up when the target would be on the move again. It was reported he would return back to York 2622 for a 6:50 math section. Seeing this as my opportunity, I went to Clics to work on homework (Jon Lego will testify to that).
6:30pm: It was time to move onto Checkpoint Bravo, the front of York 2622. Knowing that he had no class beforehand, he should arrive early. However, I miscalculated, as the entire class was there early. I took a seat in the back, and began scanning the room for him.
6:50pm: I had my sights set on a guy in a red hat and jacket. Comparing him to the picture, his hair was shorter. Considering the possibility of a haircut, I decided to watch him from a few seats away. I kept listening for someone to say what his name was. Attempt to secure a name failed.
6:55pm: The math TAs walked in. Soon after, everyone put their stuff away, pulled out Cheat Sheets, a pencil, and a calculator. I had just walked into the MIDDLE OF A MATH 20 B MIDTERM. Seeing as I had nothing better to do, I took the midterm along with the entire class (i signed my name as Herbert). Surprisingly, I remembered a lot of things from Math 20 B. In fact, of the 5 questions, I know i got #1 and #4 right. It's just separation of variables and integrating, and also evaluating as x goes to infinity..... nevermind.
7:40pm: During the midterm, I spotted someone who looked like the intended target. I matched the glasses, and also the hair. Considering I had another shot at his MMW class tomorrow, I pursued this new target. I turned my midterm into the TA and left. I wonder what i got...
7:50pm: The 2 minute safety had long passed. I followed the target from a safe distance, seeing if he would try to go to ERC. Walking along, he cut through the Old Student Center, and instead of going towards the Price Center, he went across the street towards Library Walk. It was time to set up the sting, IF i had the RIGHT GUY.
7:55pm: I pulled out my cell phone, but didn't dial a number. I yelled into the phone: "HELLO? IS THIS PAUL?"
The guy in front of me stopped, turned and looked at me, then continued on. He thought I was calling his name.
I ran up to him, yelling his name
Assassin: "PAUL! PAUL!".
Target: "who are you?"
Assassin: "Are you in my Math 20 B class" (a lie)
Target: "probably"
Assassin: "Did you just take a midterm?"
Target: "yeah"
Assassin: "Are you playing Assassins with SAAC?"
Target: "why"
I reached my hand out and stuck him in the left arm.
Assassin: "You're dead"
Target: "awwwwww MAN"
Good work you guys. Safeties for the entire week will be posted shortly. Happy Hunting! And remember, GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP! Peace.
posted by redge
11:51 PM
Safety for Monday, March 4, 2002:
In honor of fellow FunCo MC, David Reyes who has an endless supply of head accessories, today's safety is wearing a beanie on your head. It MUST be worn properly on your head for it to qualify as a Safety. i.e. If you take it off your head and hold it in your hand or put it in your pocket or your backpack etc, it is no longer a safety. Happy Hunting! =)
SAAC Attack, please welcome Haruka Roudebush to the team. Haruka, you will be contacted shortly with your assignment and so will the Assassin who will be targeting you!
The following people were reported 'assassinated:'
Moneek Bhatia (Center Stage) by Ernesto Martinez [3.1.02]
Mindy Geniza (Center Stage) by Ryan Kawamoto [3.1.02]
Teresa Hodges (SAAC Attack) by Aldrin Lumbreras [3.4.02]
Emily Umali (Center Stage) by Jed Galan [3.4.02]
Congratulations and condolences to the Assassins and Assassinated respectively. Assassins, you should hopefully have a new assignment by the end of today.
Please remember to report your kills by emailing, texting, or calling David or I. If you email a description of what, where, and when it happened, I'll be happy to incorporate it on the blogspot.
To clarify, once you kill someone, report your kill so that you can be reassigned to kill another person on the opposing team. This will most likely result in two assassins or more on one team targeting one assassin on the other team. Also, the target of the person who died is now safe for the rest of the game. However, if you are dead, you can still participate in the team safety of 'linking arms with a teammate.'
For example, Ernesto assassinated Moneek, therefore Ernesto will now be reassigned to work with another team member to kill an assassin on team Center Stage, while at the same time, Moneek's target on team SAAC Attack is now safe for the rest of the game (so don't let the other team know who you had once you died). Therefore, a kill is beneficial to your entire team in these two ways. Remember, the game is only supposed to last for a week, so that is why the rules are setup to heavily favor one team over another if one team is not effectively assassinating their targets.
In addition, sorry for the delays in making the team contact lists and not getting all the assignments out on time. We'll hopefully have everything fully functional by the end of today.
Also, feel free to contact David or I if you are having any trouble killing your target and need more info. We can probably give you some clues as to where and when would be the best place to assassinate them.
Lastly, new people please turn in your pic and schedule! Otherwise, I can't really let you play in all fairness. Email your items or leave them in the APSA office for pick up.
That's it for now. Remember, GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP!!! Peace. =)
posted by redge
9:39 AM
