Hello everybody! Welcome to Fun Committee Headquarters. Check in often for the latest on APSA's Fun COmmittee activities.
Saturday, February 23, 2002
Finally the infamous game is back, but now with a new "twist". Due to past conflicts and paranoia amongst the 'assassins" of the TS committiee heads, this year the game is going to be played between the Talent Show Committee Heads vs. the SAAC All-Stars. The SAAC All-Stars will consist of ANYBODY who wants to play whether they belong to APSA, KP, AASU, MeCHA, QPOC, or any friends of those in these organizations. In this way, the outnumbered TS Committee Heads will be able to strategize and better work together to try to survive in this fun game of strategy and teamwork.
ASSASSINS is basically a game of "kill or be killed." Each of us will assign you a person to "kill." We will each give you a sticker with your person's name on it. With this sticker, you will be able to "assassinate" your person by sticking the sticker anywhere on their body. As a result, they will be out of the game, and we will then assign you another person to assassinate, until one team member is leftover. Though it may seem easy to stick a little sticker on someone, we will be throwing in stipulations called "safeties." Safeties are things we will make you do or carry around which prevent your assassin from killing you. Past examples, which kept you in the clear, were carrying weird, unique objects around with you, such as desk chairs, bricks, and live crabs!!! Humahahahhahah! We have already started to think of many safeties to humiliat....oops i mean help all participants to not get "killed." So we will be posting up all the safeties on this webpage, so keep checking up for more information. But for sure, just like previous years, rules include no "killing" while standing on any form of stairs, and standing next to any of your team members (LINKING ARMS with them) prevents you from being assassinated.
Remember that ASSASSINS is open to EVERYONE, and if you, or you know of someone who would like to participate, email us at Allg00d220@aol.com or DR112@aol.com. We are accepting participants up until Tuesday, February 26, hoping to start the game on Wednesday, Feb 27. Also, we would like everyone to turn in their class schedules to us ASAP. THIS YEAR ASSASSINS IS GONNA BE GRRRRRRRREAT, like FrostedFlakes!!! =) Hope everyone has FUN!!!
posted by redge
4:48 PM
